Global Azure Bootcamp - Glasgow 2018
Global Azure Bootcamp has been running globally for 5 years now and in 2018 it's coming to Glasgow!! For those unaware of the Global Azure Bootcamp it is an initiative that sees communities all over the world holding a one day event on the same day with the aim of providing an environment where deep dive sessions can be held to help people learn more about Azure and meet new people.
21st April 2018
On the 21st April the Glasgow Global Azure Bootcamp event will be held within Collabor8te on Montrose Street, which is a 6 minute walk from Glasgow Queen Street train station. This is the same venue that hosts the Glasgow Azure Azure User Group events. The event is completely free for you to attend! There will be free food and hopefully a nice selection of swag, prizes and goodies available.
Get involved as a speaker
If you are interested in speaking at the event I've loved to hear from you. I am look for 300 or 400 level sessions on anything Azure, IT Pro, Development, DevOps, whatever it maybe. If you are new to public speaking there is also the chance to participate with a 15 minute lightning talk. You can submit your session ideas via Sessionize at, the deadline for sessions is the 21st March.
Get involved as an attendee
Tickets for the events are completely free, you can sign up for yours on Eventbrite at However you want to participate get involved in what promises to be a great community event.