My Journey to 1000 YouTube Subscribers
I reached 1000 subscribers on YouTube!

Back in August 2019, I released my first Weekly Update video and to be honest, that was the first time I really start to invest into my YouTube channel.
I had dabbled in making videos before, and got some good results from them before, but my content creation was really sporadic and there was no really strategy or thought behind the videos. However, in August 2019 I decided that I need to get more familiar with talking to a camera, and just being a bit more visible. I'd done a lot of public speaking and thought doing the videos and sharing my knowledge would help me get better both at public speaking and add new skill to my CV. And that's how the Weekly Update video came around.
The Weekly Update video has evolved and changed since I started in 2019, I've done over 70+ of them (at the time of writing this blog) and it is a big commitment every week but at the same time it's such a nice thing to do. It's fun to me and it's also a great way of sharing with everyone as we are currently locked down and due to the pandemic.
I'm extremely grateful to everyone that has taken the time to watch one of my videos or shared or commented, I truly do appreciate all the support I get.
My channel isn't just Weekly Update videos though, there is some different content on there. I've created quick videos showing off new features within Azure, or answering questions people have or sharing things I do or use as a presenter. The videos I made last year covering off Presenting Tips were well received and I loved doing them. I still have some ideas to share on that front, so it's always worth subscribing to my YouTube channel to get notified when a new video drops.
1000 subscribers
I finally reached the magically number of 1,000 subscribers on the 30th January!
My aim was to reach 1,000 by the end of 2021 so to reach that number by the end of January 2021 has completely blown my mind! Again I'm thankful to everyone that has subscribed and is supportive of what I am trying to do.
Creating video content can be a lot of work however, I do enjoy the process. I'm slowing adding to my video and audio setup and enjoying exploring different techniques. And I'm also building my knowledge of how to edit a video as well. There is a list of videos I'd love to create this year so I'm excited to complete that list and also create videos for ideas I've not even thought of yet! 😁
My Journey
Creating video content isn't something that everyone would enjoy, some people find it gives them energy and others find it doesn't. But I would recommend that everyone gives it a go and see if it's something that you would enjoy. I've found it a great personal growth area, both in confidence and technical skills.
I look forward to growing my channel and seeing where it can take me and the community!