Open Source What is Open Source? Let's take a look at what open source means and how you can get involved.
GitHub Actions Featured Trigger a GitHub Actions workflow when a folder changes Join me as I look at how you can trigger when a GitHub Actions workflow runs.
chocolatey Chocolatey: What is it? Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows machines. It is used to get software and software updates installed on your Windows machine.
Azure Featured Create Azure credentials for use in GitHub Actions Join me in this blog post as I look at how you can create an Azure Service Principal to make a connection between your Azure subscription and GitHub Actions.
Azure Bicep Featured Getting Started with Azure Bicep Join me as I look to start learning Azure Bicep. I walk through creating a template and deploying it to Azure.
Presenting Speaking at Scottish Developers I will be speaking at Scottish Developers on the 13th April 2022!
AWS AWS Storage Classes explored Starting your AWS journey or studying for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam? Here is some useful explanations to the different AWS storage classes.
PowerShell Script the install of software Help to speed up the installation of software on your machine using PowerShell, Windows Package Manager or Chocolatey.
Presenting Speaking at Limerick DotNet Azure User Group I will be speaking at the Limerick DotNet Azure User Group on the 24th March 2022.
Azure Bicep Featured 5 Cool Things About Azure Bicep Templates In this post I want to give 5 reasons why you should be learning and using Azure Bicep!
Looking back at February Hey! 👋🏻 Here we are at the end of February! What a month it has been, I've been busy at work, and busy with side projects. Winter seems to have kicked in here in Scotland and we've seen a lot of snow! ☃️ I've looked back
GitHub Create a new GitHub Repository from the command line In this blog post I show you how to create a new GitHub repository from the command line. I explain how the gh repo create command.
Git for everyone Featured Automate Your Replies to GitHub Issues Join me as I use GitHub Actions to automate an initial reply to any GitHub issues raised against my repositories.
GitHub Install GitHub CLI on Windows Join me as I explain what the GitHub CLI tool is and how to install it on your Windows machine.
Octopus Deploy Featured Trigger an Octopus Deploy Runbook using an Elgato Stream deck! In this blog post I want to share how I am using the Octopus Deploy REST API and my Elgato Stream deck to trigger an Octopus Runbook!
Azure Featured Find unused storage accounts in Azure Join me as I look at finding ways to identify unused storage accounts in Azure.
GitHub Featured GitHub Action Runners Explore GitHub Actions runners, including GitHub-hosted and self-hosted options. Learn how to set up and use runners for efficient workflow automation.
Presenting Speaking at the Dutch DevOps & GitHub User Group Join me as I present at the Dutch DevOps & GitHub User Group.
Azure Opt into Azure Preview Features Join me as I show you how to opt in (or out) of preview features within Azure.
Career Featured Job Roles inside an IT Department Join me as I explore the different job roles that are in an IT department. I also tackle the question of whether or not you need to code to be in IT.
Git for everyone Featured Git clone a branch Join me as I show you how you can use Git to clone a specific branch from a repository.
Lenovo Featured Highlights from #LenovoCES 2022 It's only January but we've seen some amazing announcements from Lenovo at the consumer electronics trade show or CES 2022. We've had more than 40 different announcements from Lenovo, so I want to pick out some of the highlights for you and make sure