Speaking at Scenic City Summit
Join me on the 24th September as I deliver the keynote for Scenic City Summit 2021.

I am happy to announce that I will be delivering the opening keynote at Scenic City Summit 2021. Scenic City Summit is Chattanooga's largest local IT professional development conference for developers and other IT professionals. The event is fully virtual this year and is being held on the 24th September 2021.
My keynote will be at 1.30pm UK time, and I will be talking about cloud transformation. Cloud transformation is not always simple or straightforward. It can involve developing new muscle memory and changing your organisations culture to help support and encourage new ways of operating and learning. It isn’t always about technology.
In the session I will be talking about how organisations can adapt to this new way of working, avoid pitfalls and drive your business forward.
I look forward to seeing you all there!