Studying for the SC-900 Exam - Day 1
Sharing my journey while studying for the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals SC-900 exam

Over the last few days Microsoft have announced a bunch of new exams. These exams are currently in beta and are focussed on security.
- Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals
- Microsoft Security Operations Analyst
- Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator
- Microsoft Information Protection Administrator
These exams are all targeted a different job roles and for those at different technical levels. The Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals exam is aimed at those that are business stakeholders, new or existing IT professionals, or students who have an interest in Microsoft security, compliance, and identity solutions. It's expected that those sitting the exam have a broad overview of Azure and Microsoft 365.
Disclaimer: I have no insight into what the exam questions are or what the exam will be like. I am studying for this exam based on the public information available from Microsoft. I have no idea if my study plan will be enough to pass the exam, time will tell. Please use my study guide and reference material as guidance and build your own study plan to suit your needs.
Starting my journey
Having had a quick read of the exam aims and objectives I've decided that I want to try and study for the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals exam. And I would like to take you on that journey with you and show you how I prepare for the exam and where I get my study material from.
The SC-900 exam focuses on Azure and Microsoft 365. My focus these days is Azure, but I have used Microsoft 365 in years gone by and still dabble a little as I have my on personal tenant for my email and file share. Having a look at the detailed exam skills outline there are some areas I am not 100% up to date or entirely clear on. So rather than just attempt the exam and see where I land, I want to spend some time, especially on the areas I am weak on so I can nail the exam. 😁
It's also a good opportunity for me to understand what training material is available for this exam and if there are any holes in it then I can look at trying to help fill that, that is part of my role as a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft after all. 😉
First steps
The first steps whenever I prepare for an exam is to take that deep dive look into the exam skills outline. Within every Microsoft exam page there is a link to a detailed file should you what kind of topics you might be asked about. It really explains how the exam is split up and where you should be focusing your attention.
The exams skills outline really helps you understand where you need to study and strengthen. As I said my focus is on Azure these days and I've got over 14 years of IT experience in my back pocket, but I don't know everything. There are areas of the exam that I know I am strong in and will probably not do any additional work but there are some areas and subject I am definately sketchy on, those are where I will be focusing on.
Study Material
At the bottom of each Microsoft exam there is a section that suggest learning resources. Depending on the exam you might get links to books, or training courses or online material. For this exam the suggest is material and learning paths on Microsoft Learn. I've always found Microsoft Learn material to be really helpful, I passed the AI-900, PL-900 and DP-900 exams. So we will see how the material fairs for this exam. 😁
Sharing my Journey
So I'll be sharing my journey for this exam, I've got the exam booked and I have set aside time several times during the week to study so I'll share each learning session and what I've found. Let me know if you are studying for the exam and what resources you are finding useful!