Studying for the SC-900 Exam - Day 3
Sharing my journey while studying for the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals SC-900 exam

Disclaimer: I have no insight into what the exam questions are or what the exam will be like. I am studying for this exam based on the public information available from Microsoft. I have no idea if my study plan will be enough to pass the exam, time will tell. Please use my study guide and reference material as guidance and build your own study plan to suit your needs.
As I explained in my previous blog, I am looking to study for the Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals exam and share my journey. Today is another day of studying and making sure I cover off the objectives the exam might ask me.
Microsoft Compliance Solutions
Today I am tackling the section of the exam on "Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Compliance Solutions". This section of the exam takes up 25-30% of the exam, so it's an important section to understand.
This section covers off some of the governance and information protection capabilities of Microsoft 365, so this is a section I am definately not 100% up to speed with. I used to use Microsoft 365 a lot, either migrating customers to it or helping them with the adoption plans. However, over the last few years I've not really used it. My own email address is hosted in a Microsoft 365 tenant so I dabble every now and again, but I'm not using it every day.
Again turning to Microsoft Learn there is a Learning path that covers off this section of the exam Describe the capabilities of Microsoft compliance solutions.
I didn't have a lot of time today to study but I have managed to cover off a couple of the modules in the learning path. But I have managed to learn some things that I wasn't sure of, so it's been a good session! 😁
The Microsoft Compliance Manager isn't something I'm familiar with but I've learnt it is an end to end solution in the Microsoft 365 compliance center that enables admins to manage and track compliance activities. Where as the compliance score, which is available through the Compliance Manager helps gives you an overall compliance posture overview.
The Compliance Manager can help you understand and increase your compliance score and help to stay within compliance requirements.
I'm not sure I could have told you the difference between the two before today's study session.
I also learnt a bit more about the Advanced Audit capability within Microsoft 365 and how it can help organisations conduct forensic and compliance investigations. The Advanced Audit keeps all Exchange, SharePoint, and Azure Active Directory audit records for one year, but I believe a longer retention capabilities is on the roadmap.
Sharing my Journey
Making progress everyday is what this journey is about, making sure I learn something and don't just go into the exam and guess the answers and hope for a pass. 😁 Let me know if you are studying for the exam and what resources you are finding useful!