GitHub Actions Featured Trigger a GitHub Actions workflow when a folder changes Join me as I look at how you can trigger when a GitHub Actions workflow runs.
Azure Featured Create Azure credentials for use in GitHub Actions Join me in this blog post as I look at how you can create an Azure Service Principal to make a connection between your Azure subscription and GitHub Actions.
Git for everyone Featured Automate Your Replies to GitHub Issues Join me as I use GitHub Actions to automate an initial reply to any GitHub issues raised against my repositories.
Git for everyone Featured Git clone a branch Join me as I show you how you can use Git to clone a specific branch from a repository.
Git for everyone Featured What is GitOps? Explore GitOps: best practices using Git for infrastructure & apps. Boost automation, traceability, & productivity!
Git Revert those changes in Git Occasionally you'll want to undo a change you've made within Git, let's take a look at how you can do that using the revert command.
GitHub Featured Git error "Your push would publish a private email address" In this blog post I look at how to resolve the Git error "your push would publish a private email address" .
Git Check the status of your local repository Join me as I explain the Git Status command and how you can use it to check the status of your local repository and what changes or not are waiting to be staged or committed.
GitHub Convert a folder to a Git repository Join me as I show you how to create a folder to a Git repository.