Weekly Update #117 - The Glasgow Azure User Group is back
Join me as I share the weekly Azure news.

I had a bit of a nightmare with the filming of this week's update. I did the recording but didn't have time to edit it until the very last minute and that's when I discovered that for some reason the audio and video were out of sync and completely not salvageable.
I think I know the problem, so am going to use it as a learning opportunity and not worry to much about it.
But it has meant that the video on YouTube this week is just a still with some audio and soundwave animation.
It is still worth tuning in as I share news on Azure Site Recovery, a new datacentre in Belgium, Azure Scheduler and some new capabilities with Azure VPN Gateway.
Audio only update
The video version is available on YouTube and the audio version is available on Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, Spotify, RSS Feed, Amazon Audible & Anchor.
So go forth, enjoy the update and yeah do let me know your feedback. 😊