Weekly Update #80
A look back at the week.

The weather has improved this week so I've taken advantage of it and got outside for this week's update. I really like this little filming spot that I've found, it's near my house and it's lovely and calm. When Spring really kicks in I think it's been even better with everything having awoken from it's Winter sleep. 😊
In this week's update I am talking about some of the Azure news and also about how we need to be respectful of people's time and not just assume because we are all at home that we are constantly free to answer messages and attend meetings or meetups.
- Community support for Python 3.6 is ending on 23 December 2021
- The E64i_v3 & E64is_v3 Azure VMs will not be hardware-isolated on 28 February 2022
- Azure Application Gateway analytics will be retired on 29 February 2024
To find out more about my vlogging equipment and technique, check out my article.